System Cleaner®
Clean your system from all the garbage wasting space and slowing the performance of your computer with System Cleaner full set of powerful tools that fix all your PC's registry errors.
Total Privacy™
Total Privacy Provides the Most Advanced Information Removal Solution for Protection Against Today's Malicious Online and Offline Threats.
AntiTrack for Windows® 10
AntiTrack is a privacy protection tool that was created to address the concerns of Windows® 10 users who do not wish to have information about their PC usage sent to Microsoft®.
Disk Defrag
Disk Defrag is a free disk defragmenter software that will speed up your hard drive and computer's overall performance by optimizing the file system.
Registry Cleaner
With Registry Cleaner you can safely clean, repair and optimize the Windows® registry with a few simple mouse clicks!
Internet Accelerator
Internet Accelerator works to decrease page load times and optimize your Internet connection. You'll be transferring the maximum amount of data possible before you know it!